Blanchard Adds Sym-Toric to Onefit Scleral Lens Platform
Blanchard has added another lens design to their Onefit™ Scleral Lens Platform. Sym-Toric is an advanced proprietary front toric scleral lens design that enhances patient comfort, consistency of vision performance, and greatly simplifies the practitioner fitting experience for scleral Astigmatic patients utilizing the existing Onefit Scleral Lens Platform diagnostic lens set.
Onefit Sym-Toric does not rely on the prism ballast or toricity in the haptic as is typically used to stabilize axis orientation. While keeping the same edge elevation 360 degrees, the Onefit Sym-Toric posterior surface aligns to the different radii values of the cornea and sclera. Utilizing a thin lens design, Sym-Toric is stable, comfortable and promotes optimum oxygenation of the cornea and limbal stem cells.
“We continually look for solutions that will both simplify the contact lens fitting experience for practitioners and improve the wearing experience for patients” said Jean Blanchard, President of Blanchard Contact Lenses. “Onefit Sym-Toric accomplishes both of these things for Astigmatic patients.”
Read more about Sym-Toric on the Onefit product page: