Instrument Driven Fitting – using profilometry to customize your fit

November 16, 2021

Join Dr. Renee Reeder as she discusses why instrument-driven fitting is gaining so much traction – saving eye care professional’s time and improving patient outcomes. Those who have profilometry in their office can take Onefit MED & Onefit MED+ scleral lenses, which are already highly customizable, to unrivaled heights of customization with scleral mapping!

Presentation and discussion will cover the design capabilities, benefits, and considerations when utilizing profilometry with Onefit MED and Onefit MED+ scleral lenses, including corneal diameter, best fit sphere, mid-peripheral, limbal and sag values, as well as empirical fitting. In addition, attendees will learn about the advantages Onefit MED and Onefit MED+ have over competitive products when utilized for instrument-driven fitting. Cases will be presented.

Watch the webinar recording here: Instrument Driven Fitting